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Tech Forms Overview

Table of Contents


Equipment Lease

Purchase Agreement

Maintenance Agreements

Hrdware Maint (Vendor)

Hrdwre Maint (Cust.)

Work Ord Hrdwr Svc Agr

OEM Agreements


Intellectual Property



Technology Services


Technology Marketing

General Business

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Maintenance Agreements

Comprehensive Hardware Maintenance Agreements are typical in large system acquisitions. While smaller personal and desktop systems can typically be supported by standard replacement policies, large centralized systems often require various support and services to remain functional. These services include correction of defects, preventive maintenance, installation of replacement parts as well as upgrades. The maintenance fee is typically a fixed payment rendered monthly, quarterly or annually. However, time and material arrangements are also common. The maintenance term is typically one year, except for arrangements packaging the maintenance service as part of the original equipment acquisition. Service warranties are typically best efforts, although customers sometimes demand (and negotiate) for fixed response times for defect resolution.

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What's in the Maintenance Agreements Sub-Library

The Hardware Maintenance Agreement favoring the vendor provides a comprehensive maintenance service arrangement for supporting a large computer system.

The Hardware Maintenance Agreement favoring customer structures a comprehensive service arrangement under a single maintenance fee schedule.

The Hardware Services Agreement provides a framework for multiple services to customer involving a computer system, including hardware maintenance, training, consultation and general support.

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Scott Draughon discusses creating a relationship for either providing or receiving maintenance services.

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