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Tech Forms Overview

Table of Contents


Employee Oriented

Employer Oriented

Standard Emp. Agrmt

Executive Emp. Agrmt.

Empl'ee/Shrldr Agrmt

Empl'ee/Sales Agrmt



Intellectual Property




Technology Services

Technology Marketing

General Business

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Employer Oriented

Employment agreements favoring the employer impose structure on the employment relationship empowering employer discretion over the scope of employment, ownership of intellectual property rights and minimizing employer obligations. Such agreements dictate employee reporting, work schedules, location and application of employer policies. The term of the relationship is typically subject to termination with notice, as well as cancellation for cause. Salary increases and bonus are subject to employer discretion. All intellectual property rights including patent, copyright, trademark and trade secrets are assigned to employer. Employee pirating is prohibited. Noncompete and customer solicitation restrictions are as broad as allowed by law. Employee indemnifies employer against third-party infringement, and offers certifications and warranties as an inducement to obtaining employment.

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What's in the Employer Oriented Sub-Library

The standard Employment Agreement favoring the employer resolves all of the major employment issues in favor of employer control.

The Employer Agreement for corporate officers establishes a framework favoring employer control of the employment relationship.

The Employment Agreement for the employee/shareholder documents the employment relationship of a founding shareholder responsible for the original development of the technology used by the enterprise.

The standard Employment Agreement for marketing professionals structures an employment relationship favoring employer control of employee sales activities.

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Cheryl Meide discusses important some issues an employer will want to address in an Employment Agreement.

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