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Tech Forms Overview

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Corporate Resolutions

Stock Agreements

Stck Prch (Fvrs Buyer)

Stck Prch (Fvr Seller)

Stock Buy-Sell

Stock Proxy

Stock Option

Stock Voting Agrmt

Stock Pledge

Stock Trust Agreement

Asset Transfers



Intellectual Property



Technology Services


Technology Marketing

General Business

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Stock Agreements

Apportionment of equity is a key reason for incorporating the business enterprise. Realizing this benefit requires implementing the tools and contracts necessary to apportion and control stock allocations, rights and responsibilities. The various transaction possibilities include stock purchase and sales, shareholder restrictions on resales, voting proxies, stock option plans and agreements. Each of these transaction rights must address stock ownership as a property right to which the shareholder has title. This reality limits the level of discretion exercisable by the corporation in imposing restrictions or establishing contractual arrangements. Incidental to stock ownership is the shareholder's right of voting control and participation in profits and distributions. Managing these rights effectively requires full compliance with state law and you will want to consult with local counsel in developing an appropriate enforceable strategy for your corporation. Please also note that sales of stock and equity may be subject to state blue sky laws and federal securities law provisions. You will want to consult with securities counsel in such transactions to determine applicability or exemptions that may be available.

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What's in the Stock Agreements Sub-Library

The Stock Purchase Agreement provides a framework for selling shares of stock to a buyer.

The Stock Purchase Agreement favoring seller structures a framework for conveyance of stock that allocates risk to buyer.

The Stock Buy-Sell Agreement imposes four shareholder restrictions on the re-conveyance of shares of stock.

The standard Proxy authorizes another party (which is management of the corporation) to vote a specified number of shares at a specified meeting of the shareholders to be held on a date certain.

Stock Option arrangements are structured in a variety of formats.

The Voting Agreement documents an agreement between two shareholders exercising majority voting control to vote each other to the board of directors of the corporation.

The Stock Pledge Agreement documents the pledge of a fixed number of shares of common stock by a shareholder as security for payment of a promissory note.

Stock trust agreements provide a framework for the placement of shares in trust until certain requirements are fulfilled - typically to secure full payment for such shares when the shares are only partially paid for in cash.

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Scott Draughon addresses the tools you can use to distribute stock to investors and employees of choice.

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