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Corporate Resolutions

Stock Agreements

Stck Prch (Fvrs Buyer)

Stck Prch (Fvr Seller)

Stock Buy-Sell

Stock Proxy

Stock Option

Stock Voting Agrmt

Stock Pledge

Stock Trust Agreement

Asset Transfers



Intellectual Property



Technology Services


Technology Marketing

General Business

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Employee Stock Option Plan

This form reduces costs for employee stock purchases and maximizes Seller revenue on each sale.

Employee Stock Option Plan
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This is the form you need if you want to implement a flexible Employee Stock Options Plan.
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Form Overview
Stock Option arrangements are structured in a variety of formats. They can be documented as part of an employment agreement or stock purchase agreement. Stock Option arrangements can also be structured as part of a comprehensive plan for select groups such as employees or groups of employees. Key issues include the taxability of the option to the optionee, the availability of deductions on the issuance of the option by the corporation. Other key issues include the purchase price for the shares, the option period and any conversion rights. The taxability of stock options depends upon the type of stock plan adopted and you will want to consult with tax counsel before formally adopting your plan. These arrangements are also subject to state law so consultation with local corporate counsel is also advised. You can find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers

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Real Player

Windows Media

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