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Equipment Lease

Purchase Agreement

Hardware Purc (Seller)

Hardware Purch (Buyer)

Model Work Order

Computer Cabling

Hardware Purchase

Maintenance Agreements

OEM Agreements


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Model Work Order/Terms and Conditions

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Model Work Order/Terms and Conditions
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Form Overview
The Computer System, abbreviated Work Order, heavily favors the seller. The abbreviated terms (one-page) are possible because each issue is summarily addressed by imposing risk on the customer. Acceptance is upon delivery. Customer is responsible for installation. Warranties are disclaimed. Damages are expressly limited. The price is paid at the time of purchase. Risk of loss passes to customer upon delivery. The customer grants a security interest in the equipment, pending payment for services. Services and equipment being purchased are usually described on the front face of the order, with the fine print containing the terms of the arrangement printed on the reverse side. General terms include arbitration, prohibition on assignments, preferred governing law and venue clauses, as well as other miscellaneous standard terms. You can find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers

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