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Equipment Lease

Purchase Agreement

Maintenance Agreements

OEM Agreements

OEM (Favrs. Manuf'r)

OEM (Favrs. Distrib'r)


Intellectual Property



Technology Services


Technology Marketing

General Business

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OEM Agreement (Favors Distributor)

This Agreement helps Distributors maximize revenue, increase sales and position for follow-on services with their customers.

OEM Agreement (Favors Distributor)
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Form Overview
The Hardware Resale Agreement structures a framework for the resale of a computer system (hardware) to end user, along with a software sublicensing arrangement. Title to the equipment, as defined in an exhibit (included), passes to customer. The equipment is received from manufacturer by seller for inspection and testing, and later forwarded to purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for installation. Purchaser pays a non-refundable deposit at the signing of the agreement, with the balance of the price due on the acceptance date for the equipment. The seller assigns applicable manufacturer warranties to purchaser. Purchaser indemnifies seller from damages resulting from use of the system. The software which accompanies the system is defined in a separate exhibit (included). Pricing is also established by separate exhibit (included). You can find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers

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Real Player

Windows Media

Click Here to Download Real Player

Click Here to download Windows Media Player

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