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Multimedia License and Maint Agrmt

This form helps Vendors maximize sales in providing services along with Multimedia products.

Multimedia License and Maint Agrmt
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This is the form you need if you are providing your Customers with Multimedia Products and related maintenance services.
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Form Overview
The Multimedia Licensing and Maintenance Agreement provides a legal framework for multimedia product licensing and maintenance services. The Agreement serves stand alone transactions or can be incorporated by reference in the Multimedia Development Agreement as the Exhibit A referenced therein. The license grant extends to a defined Multimedia Product existing at the time of license. Customer acceptance is subject to accepting testing procedures generally favoring Vendor. The scope of the license grant is non-exclusive with a license term of twenty years. Maintenance services include resolutions of defects with Customer right to request enhancements. The license fee is a fixed amount, with all services rendered on a time and material basis pursuant to a time and material rate schedule referenced as Exhibit B (not included). The maintenance warranty is best efforts. The product warranty is based upon the functionality represented in the User Guide. Ownership of the Product accrues to Vendor. Use of the Product is limited to a specified computer system as set forth in Exhibit A. You can find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers

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