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Technology Services



Work Order

General Services

Services Agrmt (Cust)

Service Agrmt (Prov)

Model Invoice

Software Services

Cyber-Security Svcs.


Intellectual Property





Technology Marketing

General Business

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Services Agreement (Favors Customer)

This Agreement helps Customers reduce fees, control costs and position for follow-on work incidental to the Services arrangement.

Services Agreement (Favors Customer)
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Form Overview
The Service Agreement favoring the customer establishes objective performance standards by documenting the contractor's service obligation in objective and deliverable terms. This is a three-party agreement in which the "corporation" is the recruiter locating the consultant and to whom payment is rendered. The consultant has the personal performance obligation and both consultant and corporation carry confidentiality, noncompete and intellectual property obligations favoring customer ("client"). The Agreement documents invoice content requirements, restricts the removal of business records, imposes customer solicitation restrictions on corporation and consultant, and provides for ten days notice of termination. You can find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers

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