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Technology Marketing

Agency Related


Software Marketing

Sales Commission

Video Marketing

Reseller Agreement

Royalty Agreement

Distribution Agreement


Intellectual Property




Technology Services


General Business

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Software Marketing Agreement

This Agreement helps Vendors maximize sales and increase revenue by retaining agents to support product sales.

Software Marketing Agreement
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This is the form you need if you are a Software Vendor and you want to engage someone to provide marketing services.
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Form Overview
The Software Marketing Agreement is structured to retain agent support for a low-end software product. The arrangement is non-exclusive. Marketing materials are provided by the vendor. Agent participation is allocated by territory. The agent is empowered to advertise, promote and market the software, as well as to attend trade shows. Demonstration rights are subject to vendor certification. Software agreements for the purchase of the software are provided by vendor. Software license fees are made payable to vendor, but collected by agent. Vendor pays agent a marketing fee based upon such license fees. Standard warranty limitations, indemnifications and intellectual property provisions apply. You can find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers

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