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Technology Services



Standard Consult. Agmt

Consult Agr (Custm'r)

Consult Agr (Vendor)

Recruiting Agreement

Contractor Agreement

Work Order

General Services

Software Services

Cyber-Security Svcs.


Intellectual Property





Technology Marketing

General Business

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FREE Standard Consulting Agreement

This Agreement helps Consultants reduce costs by providing services to Customers under standard terms and conditions.

FREE Standard Consulting Agreement
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This is the form you need if you are a Consultant providing services under standard terms and conditions.
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Form Overview
The Standard Consulting Agreement documents the service arrangement between the technology independent contractor and customer. Services are defined generally, along with supporting performance schedules. Written management reports are required monthly. Consultant experience is documented in a résumé incorporated as Exhibit A. Termination for convenience requires thirty days notice; termination for cause can be immediate. Billings are at an agreed hourly rate, subject to advanced customer approval of written invoices. Standard confidentiality, employee pirating, customer solicitations and noncompete provisions apply. All intellectual property arising under the arrangement is owned by customer. You can find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers

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