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Enhancement Order Agreement

This Agreement helps Vendors maximize revenue, increase sales and position for follow-on work for enhancing existing software products.

Enhancement Order Agreement
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This is the form you need if you are providing your Customers services in enhancing an existing software product already in use by your Customer.
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Form Overview
The Enhancement Order Agreement provides a generic tasking format for implementation of functional enhancements to existing technology. These services are separate and distinguishable from typical maintenance, consulting and general work order services. The Enhancement Order (Exhibit D) allows the parties to define the desired functional improvement in general terms and to rely on a pre-defined task framework (Article V) to achieve implementation using the traditional life cycle development process. The generic tasks (and deliverables) include: (1) requirements definition (recommended requirements list); (2) requirements specification (a technical specification); (3) functional specification (a functional software specification summary); (4) design (enhancement design statement); (5) code to implement the enhancement; and (6) manual. Each deliverable is subject to customer participation and input, with final control subject to vendor authority. The preset task structure is what makes possible the generic "functional" description in the enhancement order without compromising software development discipline. You can find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers

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