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Equipment Lease

Purchase Agreement

Hardware Purc (Seller)

Hardware Purch (Buyer)

Model Work Order

Computer Cabling

Hardware Purchase

Maintenance Agreements

OEM Agreements


Intellectual Property



Technology Services


Technology Marketing

General Business

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Hardware Purchase (Favors Seller)

This Agreement helps Seller maximize price and sales from each hardware purchaser.

Hardware Purchase (Favors Seller)
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Form Overview
The Computer System Purchase Agreement favoring the Seller allocates the risk of the transaction to purchaser. The document includes specific language conveying equipment title to the purchaser. Purchaser has responsibility for selecting the equipment, and preparing the facility required for installation. The proposed framework also imposes on purchaser the responsibility for installing the computer. Purchaser represents that the hardware is not being purchased for resale. The warranty granted by seller on the hardware is limited to the warranty granted by the original equipment manufacturer. Seller retains a security interest in the equipment in connection with payment obligations of buyer under the agreement. The agreement is structured to accommodate the licensing of software and sale of support services in connection with the computer hardware purchase. The equipment and software acquired under the agreement is defined in a supporting exhibit (included). You can find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers

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