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Software License

Software Maintenance

Software Development

Soft Dev & Licns Agr

Soft Develpmt Agr

Soft Customization Agr

Soft. Distribut. Terms

Source Code

Escrow Agreements


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Software Development Agrmt (Fav Cust)

This form helps Customers reduce costs and insure ownership of developed software.

Software Development Agrmt (Fav Cust)
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Form Overview
The Software Development Agreement favoring the customer is structured to advance the development and implementation of an existing product under license to customer. The services commitment of the developer under the arrangement includes the development of implementation plan, as well as a training plan. Enhancements to the software requiring development by developer are initiated by enhancement order, the form of which is attached by exhibit (included). General consulting services under the arrangement are initiated by separate work order, the form of which is provided in exhibit (included). Enhancements are developed pursuant to the software development life cycle process, with deliverables for each phase subject to customer approval. Tasking includes development of documentation for the enhancement. The software is licensed to customer under the terms of the license agreement for the original software. Fees are on a time and material basis. The Agreement includes special developer representations concerning technical personnel qualifications. This Agreement references separate Confidentiality, License, System, Hardware and Maintenance Agreements which are not included (references can be deleted if not applicable). You can find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers

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